Monday to Friday Lodging in 2019

The days of only travelling salesmen and touring actors finding lodgings in the cities and far-flung towns across the UK are long gone.

The days of only travelling salesmen and touring actors finding lodgings in the cities and far-flung towns across the UK are long gone. Now, many more of us need to move around for our work – perhaps because we’ve chosen to live in a particular location for family or hobby reasons, or because our work location changes with short-term contracts, new jobs or promotions.

We are becoming a nation of mondaytofridayers. Staying away during the working week, and returning home at weekends. But that doesn’t mean that we’re prepared to forego the home comforts from Monday to Friday! So, those of us offering our spare rooms to mondaytofridayers, whether for a few months or a couple of years, need to make sure we’re offering the sort of standards our lodgers are used to having at home.  After all, why would you want to swap that comfortable bed for one that is so clearly a 20thcentury cast off!

What matters to mondaytofriday lodgers? Convenience, cleanliness, comfort and freedom – to live a busy working-week life with as little hassle as possible! So, a tip for anyone thinking about renting out a Monday to Friday room in 2019 – think of what you would want if you were working away from home every week. And exceed your own expectations.

Happy 2019 lodging.